Friday, August 15, 2008

Things I'm Addicted To: Mad Men

Per usual, I’m late on a trend. I recently started watching Mad Men and I LOVE IT. In an unhealthy way. Anytime I’m not watching it, I think about watching it. The clothes, the constant smoking and drinking, the overt chauvinism, the racism…Wait. Why do I love this show? Because it’s f-ing awesome, that’s why. Seriously, all one of our reader should watch it if they aren’t.

Mad Men is on AMC (WTF, is there anything else on this channel?) and is about a Manhattan advertising agency in the early 1960s (the “Mad” stands for Madison Avenue. It’s a DOUBLE-ENTENDRE).

Even the opening credits are awesome

As I mentioned earlier, because it takes place in the early 1960s, there’s a lot of male chauvinism, racism, and secretary banging. Mad Men has two tickets on the PC Fail Train. I should be offended by most of what I see and hear, but I giggle and then want MORE.

Somebody put together a video of the top 10 Un-PC moments on Mad Men which covers some, but not all of the really good ones.

If I could have sex with a show, it would be Mad Men and then Mad Men would probably give me syphilis in return. When you start watching it reader, you will want to have sex with it too. Remember to use a condom though because this show will have sex with anyone.

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