Monday, May 25, 2009

The Disneyland Party Game

Randi, Wes, and I all went to Disneyland and California Adventures this past week. We learned a lot - about love, life, "cast members," and pineapple whips. What is a whip? You just have to know. We played a lot of videogum-esque games in line, which Wes thought was the opposite of fun on a bun. But you know us bloggers (what?). Take the party game and make it about rides! Truly, we are the zenith of blogging (GRE vocab alert!).

Big Thunder Mountain: Mining operation run poorly; endangers workers and wildlife.

Space Mountain: Space is cold, full of nightlights and Moroccan techno.

Snow White: Dwarves mine while squirrels wash polos; witch half-heartedly threatens to push boulder.

The Matterhorn: Snow beast roars but does not engage hikers/bobsledders; basketball available on fifth floor.

Pirates of the Caribbean: Movie characters and old time drunks feebly set fire to port cities, rape; diners watch.

Indiana Jones: Truck driven by amateurs through empty tomb that smells bad.

Tower of Terror: Haunted elevator threatens to send you to alternate dimension; lets you off with a warning.

Soaring Over California: California fucking loves itself bad.

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Diaz Howard said...
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