Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Tribute Videos Are My Blog and Butter

So Rissa had a pretty politically-charged post last night. It’s still unclear who she’s going to vote for this November, right guys? (I excel at sarcasm).

But let’s ignore the political FAILtrain that is the McCain/Palin ticket (oops, I said it) and lighten the mood, shall we? In the aforementioned post, Rissa said that she would rather “Make a tribute video for YouTube about your favorite moderately-known TV star to a really awesome Fall Out Boy jam” than watch the RNC.

Um, done. I give you this tribute video for Paranormal State star (and Rissa’s boyfriend) Ryan Buell:

I think the new title of this blog is going to be I’m Gonna Blog Your Mind With All of These YouTube Tribute Videos. I’m pretty sure I speak for the world when I say shame on you/thanks Internet for these.

Bonus: Here’s another one that I like that’s 8 minutes long and is a lot angstier:

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