Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Things I'm Addicted To: Ghost Shows

Much like the folks on Intervention, I am easily addicted to television shows (difference being my addiction involves 100% less meth). The fact that I just mentioned Intervention proves that I am usually late to adopt television trends (and web trends. Have you guys checked out this icanhascheezburger.com thing? Hilarious.) So this summer, thanks to my sister, I have become addicted to ghost shows. Any type of ghost show. I don’t discriminate. Below is a sample of the shows I have become addicted to. They’re not that scary while you’re watching them, but they get to you afterwards. Now, every time I hear a noise in my house, I think this is going to appear:

Srlsly though, washing face = totally vulnerable.

First up is Ghost Hunters on the Sci Fi channel. The show follows TAPS (The Atlantic Paranormal Society) as they try to disprove hauntings in various creepy places. This is probably the most “legitimate” and “scientific” of the ghost shows I watch. I also watch the spinoff called Ghost Hunters International. This is for people who believe that ghosts also exist outside of America (ridiculous). GHI is pretty much the same as Ghost Hunters original but also features a guy with an accent.

Next we have Paranormal State on A&E. I’ve heard it’s from the same people who produced Laguna Beach: The Real Orange County. I don’t know if this is actually true because I don’t do any research, but it explains a lot. Accoring to IMDb the “story follows members of the famous Penn State Paranormal Research Society as they investigate strange and unusual phenomena across the country”. Famous? Probably not. But they are educated and because it’s a group from a university that means everything they show is true. Paranormal State has taught me that voodoo dolls are the worst idea ever and that Chip Coffey is the best.

Finally, there’s Psychic Kids: Children of the Paranormal which is also on A&E. This is almost exactly like Paranormal State but with kids, an hour-length format, and a lot more exploitation and crying. Chip Coffey is also involved!

Below is a clip from Paranormal State to wet your whistle (gross phrase) for ghost shows:

Finally, this is what all ghosts should look like:


Rissa said...

What are all the things that the ghost eats? Souls? Your face? Chip Coffey?

Ryan said...

Yo, how 'bout some love for "A Haunting" on Discovery? I've only every caught the end of it on my Media Center right before I record my "FBI Files," but it seems pretty legit. Plus, it follows in the great trend of Discovery re-enactment shows hiring much more attractive actors for scenes than their real-life counterparts. And then butting them up in an interview with bad lighting against a "ghostly wind blowing in sexy mane with bedroom eyes for a demon" shot.

And, Rissa, wtf is Chip Coffey? Is that some froofy cafe drink?

And, Randi, pretty legit blog.

Ryan said...

Ah, I stand humbly corrected on Chip Coffey upon further review (I skimmed that part the first time because I think "Paranormal State" kinda sucks).

But I do still think it would make a great name for a froofy cafe drink.